FinBrain Technologies models the future price movements of the Financial Assets listed under S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE Indexes as well as Cryptocurrencies and Foreign Currencies. We provide 10-Day Ahead predicted close price values for all tickers listed under the given indices. We do not simply provide BUY or SELL signals, instead our Artificial Intelligence Algorithms learn the time-series features of the large Financial datasets, and extract the correlations, hidden features and patterns. These calculations are performed by powerful GPU units, at the speed and precision that no human being can achieve.

Our algorithms model the linear and non-linear relationships between the large sets of Financial data. Time series decomposition techniques, filtering methods, data organization, neural network hyper-parameter selection, performance optimization and all other computationally intense mathematical structures are featured into FinBrain’s algorithms to model the future price movements of the assets in the most precise way.

You can sign up to FinBrain on Main Page and subscribe to a package of your interest on Subscription Packages.
We keep posting our prediction results for both markets listed among FinBrain’s services, periodically. In this post, you will see 10 charts which indicate the historical, predicted and the real price movements for 10 stocks listed under S&P500 Index for 07/23/2018-08/03/2018 time period. S&P500 Index Market Returns for this period are as the followings, 3 Day : 1,579% / 5 Day : 0,606% / 10 Day : 1,374% . FinBrain has successfully predicted this change beforehand, and shared these results with its customers on 07/21/2018.
ADI | Analog Devices Inc.

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: -1,53 %
Actual 10 Day Change : -1,27 %
SBUX | Starbucks Corp.

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 3,29 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 2,59 %
CL | Colgate-Palmolive

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 2,14 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 2,35 %
CMI | Cummins Inc.

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 3,60 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 4,28 %
FOX | Twenty-First Century Fox Class B

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: -4,60 %
Actual 10 Day Change : -1,68 %
HRB | Block H&R

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 3,77 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 3,89 %
MO | Altria Group Inc

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 2,84 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 3,62 %
A | Agilent Technologies Inc

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 2,04 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 2,94 %
T | AT&T Inc

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: 3,30 %
Actual 10 Day Change : 3,76 %
JWN | Nordstrom

FinBrain’s Expected 10 Day Change: -3,36 %
Actual 10 Day Change : -3,82 %
FinBrain’s Participation to AI in Finance Summit New York
We also would like to share with you that our team will attend the AI in Finance Summit in New York on 06-07 September 2018 and our Founder/CEO Ahmet Salim Bilgin will deliver a presentation about Deep Learning for Modeling The Future Price Movements of the Assets. The other speakers of the Summit are Vice Presidents, Executive Directors, Founders and Lead Engineers/Scientists of the large institutions such as JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Citi, Credit Suisse, Mastercard, The World Bank, Bank of America Merill Lynch and so on.
You can get more information about the summit on the link
You can subscribe to a package now, on and please don’t forget that, the AI is transforming the Financial World, and early adopters have the advantage.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
FinBrain Technologies, 2018