FinBrain’s S&P500 Index Tickers Prediction Performance – 07/23/2018-08/03/2018
FinBrain Technologies models the future price movements of the Financial Assets listed under S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE Indexes as well as Cryptocurrencies and Foreign Currencies. We provide 10-Day Ahead predicted close price values for all tickers listed under the given indices. We do not simply provide BUY or SELL signals, instead our Artificial Intelligence Algorithms learn…
FinBrain’s S&P500 Stock Prediction Performance 26.02.2018 – 09.03.2018
FinBrain Technologies has developed a sophisticated Deep Learning algorithm to provide its customers with the most precise future predictions of Stocks, Commodities, Foreign Currencies, Indexes, ETFs and Cryptocurrencies. The financial time series data has non-linear dynamics, and can only be analyzed with non-linear methods.… Read the rest