FinBrain’s S&P500 Index Tickers Prediction Performance – 07/23/2018-08/03/2018
FinBrain Technologies models the future price movements of the Financial Assets listed under S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE Indexes as well as Cryptocurrencies and Foreign Currencies. We provide 10-Day Ahead predicted close price values for all tickers listed under the given indices. We do not simply provide BUY or SELL signals, instead our Artificial Intelligence Algorithms learn…
FinBrain’s S&P500 Index Tickers Prediction Performance – 06/25/2018-07/09/2018
FinBrain Technologies is one of the pioneers in developing Deep Learning technologies for analyzing vast amounts of financial data to generate future projections of the assets. Our customers are able to reduce the time spent on analyzing the charts, reading the news, detecting the trends etc.… Read the rest
FinBrain’s S&P500 Index Tickers Prediction Performance – 06/04/2018-06/15/2018
FinBrain Technologies analyzes more than 6000 Financial Instruments using Deep Learning algorithms. Vast amounts of data for every single instrument is processed and analyzed by Artificial Neural Networks. The time series behaviors of stocks, cryptocurrencies and foreign currencies are extracted, modeled and the Neural Network learning process is conducted.… Read the rest