FinBrain’s Commodities Prediction Performance – 90% Accuracy
FinBrain’s algorithms analyze and predict the future price movements of more than 6000 US Stocks, ETFs, Foreign Currency pairs, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies on a daily basis. Our Deep Learning models analyze the current and historical pricing and technical data, as well as the market sentiment, and use this information in predicting future prices.… Read the…
FinBrain’s High Return S&P500 Portfolio Performance – 80% Accuracy
FinBrain Technologies periodically posts the prediction performance results for S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE, DOW30, Commodities, Foreign Currencies, Cryptocurrencies and ETFs. Our AI algorithms collect and analyze vast amounts of pricing, technical and market data for more than 6000 financial assets on a daily basis.… Read the rest
FinBrain’s Foreign Currency Predictions – 90% Accuracy
FinBrain Technologies periodically publishes its prediction accuracy results from S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE, Foreign Exchange, Commodities, ETFs and Cryptocurrencies markets. Our predictions are posted on our website for the next 10 day period. The predicted price points for the asset prices are provided for every single day for the 10 day window and are also indicated…
FinBrain’s Stock Predictability Indicator
There has been quite a debate about the stock market’s predictability over many decades. Stock analysts, researchers, fund managers, investors and traders have both expressed their thoughts and concerns about what determines the stock market movements. Efficient Markets Hypothesis Efficient Markets Hypothesis(EMH) represented the idea that the share prices reflect all information and consistent alpha…
FinBrain’s High Return ETF Portfolio Prediction Performance – 15/19-Jul-2019
FinBrain has enabled the ETF Predictions Package a long time ago, and the package performs remarkably well since then. Our AI algorithms analyze and predict the future prices of the top 360 US ETFs. The overall and top portfolio accuracies fluctuate around 80-90% for the majority of the past prediction intervals.… Read the rest
FinBrain’s S&P500 Prediction Performance Results – 28-Jun – 12-Jul Period
Hello from FinBrain Technologies ! We are an Artificial Intelligence software development company whose engineers and developers work hard to help the traders in outperforming the stock markets. We have developed specific data collection algorithms, which parse through websites and retrieve data from Financial APIs.… Read the rest
FinBrain Has Correctly Predicted S&P 500’s Record High
The S&P 500 broke above 3,000 for the first time, while the Nasdaq Composite and Dow Jones Industrial Average also reached all-time highs. FinBrain has informed its clients 2 weeks before the US stocks surge. Our algorithms predict the stock price points for the next 2-week time period for all the assets listed under S&P500,…
FinBrain’s DOW30 Prediction Performance – 03-Jun-2019 – 14-Jun-2019
FinBrain’s AI algorithms have yielded 100% signal prediction accuracy for Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks within 03-Jun – 14-Jun time period. FinBrain’s algorithms collect and analyze gigabytes of financial data for more than 6000 Stocks, Currency Pairs, Cryptocurrencies and ETFs on a daily basis.… Read the rest
FinBrain’s Prediction Performance For Foreign Currencies 22-Apr-2019 – 03-May-2019
FinBrain keeps predicting the top movers of the S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE, DOW30, Foreign Currency, Cryptocurrency and ETF markets with incredible accuracies. Our Deep Learning algorithms analyze a number of qualitative and quantitative datasets for every single asset listed under the markets mentioned above.… Read the rest