FinBrain Technologies periodically publishes its prediction accuracy results from S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE, Foreign Exchange, Commodities, ETFs and Cryptocurrencies markets. Our predictions are posted on our website for the next 10 day period. The predicted price points for the asset prices are provided for every single day for the 10 day window and are also indicated on the charts. Also, a wide range of market data, news, company financials, active stocks, gainers, losers and market calendar are provided to our subscribers.
Our Deep Learning algorithms analyze pricing data, technical indicators and market sentiment for every single asset listed under the available markets. Financial data for more than 6000 assets are collected everyday after the markets close, and the AI algorithms analyze how the asset prices and patterns are formed based on the collected data. Our algorithms learn from and relate different types of qualitative and alternative data to predict the future price movements of the stocks, commodities, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies and exchange traded funds.
FinBrain’s Foreign Exchange prediction package has once again exhibited remarkable performance on predicting the winning foreign currency pairs. Our TOP LONG and TOP SHORT portfolios have achieved 90% prediction accuracy for the 19-Jul-2019 – 01-Aug-2019 period.
Top Long Portfolio’s Performance

Our Top Long Foreign Currency Pairs have returned 2.34% on average with a prediction accuracy of 90%. The top performing currency pair was TRY-ZAR – Turkish Lira-South African Rand with a 5.79% increase. TRY-ZAR was followed by TRY-RUB with a 3.69% gain in value. The Top Long Portfolio consists of the highest expected change currency pairs, provided by FinBrain’s AI algorithms. The two week portfolio was TRY base currency dominated, and the expected vs real change values were quite close to each other for the listed assets.
Top Short Portfolio’s Performance

Our Top Short Portfolio for foreign currencies has exhibited 90% signal-wise prediction accuracy as well. NZD-TRY and AUD-TRY were the currency pairs that have lost the most value for the given two week period. The expected and real change values were also almost identical for the listed currency pairs. The only miss was USD-THB where the real percentage change was almost zero.
We would like to remind you that, the traders from more than 130 countries are already utilizing FinBrain’s predictions for different asset classes. Don’t be late to utilize AI-enabled predictions on your traders where you can generate strong returns. Please also do not forget that you’ll get a 20% off on subscriptions on all packages.
We wish you a successful trading week.
FinBrain Technologies