FinBrain Technologies provides AI enabled predictions on its website for all assets listed under S&P500, NASDAQ, NYSE, DOW30 Indexes as well as ETFs, Commodities, Foreign Currency Pairs and Cryptocurrencies. Our algorithms analyze and predict more than 6000 financial assets on a daily basis and the data is provided to our customers everyday before the markets open.
A new prediction package has been enabled on FinBrain’s webpage for London Stock Exchange – FTSE 100 stocks. The FTSE 100, also known as Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index is a share index of the 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalization.

Our algorithms analyze and learn from historical pricing data, technical indicators and market sentiment under different asset classes to predict the 10-day ahead close prices for thousands of assets. You can reach out to the financial data and predictions for individual stocks listed under FTSE 100, and also filter all stocks based on predictability and highest return. Besides the US Stock Market predictions, FinBrain has also started to implement its algorithms to the World stock markets. Stay tuned for more news about FTSE 100 prediction performances and for the new local stock market prediction packages to be added.

AI and Data Science gives a strong advantage to traders and investors in terms of spotting the best stocks to trade and achieving high returns while minimizing risks. Deep Learning algorithms are exhibiting remarkable performance on analyzing and predicting financial datasets, and the adopters of these technologies enjoy substantial profits. If you want to beat the markets and secure high returns, you need to utilize the cutting edge tools to make a difference and get ahead of all others. Subscribe to FinBrain’s AI enabled prediction packages now and get 20% off on all prices.
We wish you a successful trading week.
FinBrain Technologies